So, what is a Somewhere Over the Rainbow Binder?

    The Rainbow binder is a 3-ring notebook that students use everyday to develop organizational skills and responsibility.

    This 3-ring binder houses EVERYTHING your child, you (the caregivers) and I need to keep up-to-date with what is going on in our classroom and at school. Everything will be right here in our Rainbow Binder!

       Here is what you will find inside our Rainbow Binders

 Important Info – Welcome to Our Class: This section will include our class list and class schedule.

 Our daily specials (Art, Computer Lab, Library, Lunch, Music and P.E.) are indicated on the schedule.

 Parents - Important Notes: This section of the binder will be used to send notes to the teacher that need immediate attention, such as transportation changes, doctor's appointments, urgent concerns, etc. I will also use this section of the binder to send you notes that require your immediate attention.

* From time to time, you may need to send money to school for lunch, book club orders, field trips, etc. Please use the pouch to send money to school. Make sure to check this section daily!

 Home and School Communication: This section is for important communication between home and school.  Please leave all notes written from me to you and your notes to me in the binder so that we can look back and remember any communication we may have had throughout the school year.

 I will initial all notes I read from you and ask that you do the same.  In this way, we will know our notes have been read, even when no response is necessary.

 The Rainbow News: This section will be for our class newsletter which I will update every week

or two.

Popcorn or Word Wall Words: These are high frequency/sight words focused on throughout the school year. Your child will encounter these words often in their reading and writing.


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